Aerodynamics Library for Students
5th Year semester A | Partners: Opal Marcus ilan, dana gross golan | Professor: Arch. Ester Carmon
Design of a library located in the Faculty of Engineering building, designed by the renowned architect Louis Kahn.
The library is intended for students researching aerodynamics in both theoretical studies and experimental work.
The design concept for the space is inspired by the idea of hovering and the interplay between presence and absence.
Inside the library, colors were used to define and classify different zones, and the furniture maintains a repetitive pattern in each area, except for one distinct element unique to every space.
קרקע - כניסה והירגעות
קרקע - כניסה והירגעות
מפלס  1 - למידה
מפלס 1 - למידה
מפלס 2 - איזור בניית ובדיקת מודלים
מפלס 2 - איזור בניית ובדיקת מודלים
מפלס  3 - לרחף בשמיים
מפלס 3 - לרחף בשמיים
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